Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I found a treasure...

Hi again,
Just a few word to tell you the wonderful news: I found a treasure !
At my mother's place there was a box that read "guardar para siempre" (keep forever). I could not remember what was in that box, but I definitely wrote that sign myself... And guess what I found: MINIS !!!!! And some made by me when I was.... 10 years old ! It was SO cute that I'm attaching some picture of the tiny treasures I found: boxes, a dollshouse, mini perfumes.... They are SO tiny. I hope to use them in some of my miniatures...

1 comment:

  1. Doigts de fées tu ne cesseras de m'étonner...
    Créativité et curiosité sont tes grandes qualités
    Tu as fait battre mon coeur puis t'en es allée retrouver
    Les tiens dans des contrées si éloignées...

    Tu manges la vie et tu reprends deux fois du dessert merci juliette pour ton énergie si positive!
