Sunday, November 20, 2011

New adquisitions & ongoing project

Hi  !

I'm happy to share with you my lovely newest adquisitions from an antique shop here in Santiago. They are not perfect, but since there are NO miniatures at all for sell in this city, anything is just great and makes me sooo happy. 

Plus, I wish to show you a new project. It is a russian datcha for my BFF Adele. She loves anything russian so I'm trying to copy a little house I saw on a magazine, I'm still working in the front but hope to start furnishing it soon.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wedding gift II

Hi everyone,

I made another wedding gift for a lovely couple who just got married yesterday. I could not attend but I was told some time before that the wedding dress was in a "flamenco style" so I tried to do my best, altough I am not very satisfied with the result. The picture on the back is the nest were the fiancé left the wedding ring when he proposed !!! It hapenned that I was at the same place some weeks before and took pictures of that very same wonderfull nest. The films on each side of the picture are real films I got in a trash outside a cinema in Galway, Ireland, 5 years ago. They are images from Match Point trailer, I think. I did myself the small red bench with red fabric that came around some jewels, it is like velvet. The invitations are the real ones, scanned and reduced to scale. The little lights (ikea christmas lights) are hidden behind a piece of greaseproof paper and get reflected on the opposite mirror. The plastic model comes from a stic used to blend drinks.

Here are some pics:

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Baby's room / Chambre de bébé

Chambre de bébé

Meuble : ours, livre "le livre de bébé", album photos, produit Mixa bébé, coton, couches...

Livres "Les animaux", jeu "mon coffret des animaux", jouet vache

Au sol peluche géante et son livre "les chatons", berceau et son livre "les câlins"

Too busy to write description... shame on me !

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I found a treasure...

Hi again,
Just a few word to tell you the wonderful news: I found a treasure !
At my mother's place there was a box that read "guardar para siempre" (keep forever). I could not remember what was in that box, but I definitely wrote that sign myself... And guess what I found: MINIS !!!!! And some made by me when I was.... 10 years old ! It was SO cute that I'm attaching some picture of the tiny treasures I found: boxes, a dollshouse, mini perfumes.... They are SO tiny. I hope to use them in some of my miniatures...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Cosy library and glasshouse

Hi everyone ! 

I know, I can't pretend to become a famous miniaturist blogger if I don't upload stuff often... Well, you know, busy life and everything else.
My last work is a present for an amazing grandpa who had and has a wonderfull life and family and who just turned 80. He is fond of reading, travelling and gardening, and since it was pretty difficult to combine those two passions in one setting, I decided to separate them in two different spaces. 
This time I was in quite a hurry so I used some ready-made things, such as the bookcase -which I varnished though-, the plane, and in the glasshouse, the cage, some plant pots and the basket. I was lucky to find some wonderfull printies for the books and antique maps from fellow bloggers and miniatures websites, such as and miniaturama, so thank you so much !!!. For the lamp, I used my Hermes perfume's cap !!!! (well, minis require some sacrifices don't they). The tray on the table comes from a chilean classic : Anilinas MontBlanc. The seeds come from printables I got in Paris at Pain d'Epices, gardening tools and plants are made of wood and FIMO. The ivy on the window is made of small leaves cut in magazines with a special scrapbooking tool. The bag of soil reads "tierra de hojas Don Guille". 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wedding gift

Hi everyone, 

This new miniature is a wedding gift, it has the bride and groom names on top and pictures of them on the sides.

Although I've been paying far too much attention to the royal wedding to come in England (I'm fond of princess stuff), here for the first time I created a setting without looking much into wedding things or miniature books for inspiration, so the result is a bit strange with an Art Deco touch, I think. The whole design was created around this idea of including an inside window or see-through wall.
The wedding dress comes from a beautiful piece of fabric my friend Adèle gave me, (thanks, as you said, I found a use for it !!!).
The invitations on the bench replicate the real ones, and the bouquet was sculpted in polymer clay.
The lamp was made from a vintage earring and long pearls and the picture on the wall comes from a 1940's magazine .
The sort of window on the back is an empty Ralph Lauren perfume bottle and the structure that holds it also hides the batteries for the lighting. The wedding cake was sculpted in FIMO ® and the bride and groom on top come from a scale model supplier, but I had to paint the bride's dress in white (it was bright red). 
bench with wedding bouquet and invitations

Sunday, March 6, 2011

sunny sunday in SCL

Portrait of Pilar Amor Igual as a room

Esta miniatura representa a mi querida tía Pilar. La tía Pilar tiene más de 80 primaveras pero sigue tan coqueta como en su juventud cuando tenía un taller de pieles y cueros. Nació en cataluña y si bien ha pasado gran parte de su vida en Santiago junto a mi familia, es catalana de corazón y orgullosa de serlo, lo que queda plasmado en los objetos del tercer piso de esta miniatura en 3 ambientes: una pierna de jamón serrano, una paella, una tortilla española, una bandera de Cataluña, un aviso publicitario antiguo para unas aceitunas, entre otros. Su pasado de modista está recreado en el segundo piso, dónde vemos dos modelos: un abrigo de conejo blanco y una capelina de cuero chocolate. El primer piso nos recuerda a la tía Pilar que conocemos : la persona más coqueta del mundo, siempre perfumada y elegante. Nos encanta y sorprende cada día con su look vintage y colorido.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Mon voyage sans retour au monde des miniatures

Que de souvenirs des mini objets de mon enfance, qui restent gravés dans le creux de mon coeur. Les petits lapins musiciens de Noël à piquer dans les abat-jours, les petits malins et le minuscule biberon de la mini souris, les mini perles en dé de La Droguerie, les mini livres sur les échoppes de souvenirs.
15 ans après un premier atelier de peintre, voici la mercerie.